Padded Guitar Case
We began rehearsal and noticed a peculiar smell of an unknown origin. The guitar player thought it was his sweaty feet from being at work all day. I thought it was the loaf of cinnamon raisin bread that was cooking in the breadmaker. We continued to rehearse like normal. The guitar player (Todd Jackson--yes "Jackson" J Holler) as he will be known to all from this point on) went to put the guitar in its case when he noticed a horrific smell.
The smell was of an intense jungle mixture of body odor and Ajax. It brought tears to our eyes instantly. We then noticed in the corner of the case a petrified nugget of love. Yes everyone, one of our two cats (Ric or Roberto) to a healthy defecation and urination (unclear as to what came first or if one or two of the cats were involved) in the nicely lined and padded guitar case.
We immediately went to work. Rock-hard feces was scooped out and a "urine neutralizer" spray was utilized and covered the entire padded, fur lined section. It is currently still airing out from our discovery last night.
Next was finding out who was responsible. Each cat was interrogated with no answer. It seemed that Roberto wished to hang around the violated guitar case after the discovery where Ric was making himself unavailable. Should we consider that Roberto is responsible because he returned to the scene of the crime, or was Ric's hiding of himself pointing a finger at his bowel and bladder?
Kate and I then began to ponder the reasons why they would consider doing this to our friend's guitar case. We have recently taken over the living room to create a band rehearsal space and this moved the kitty litter into the kitchen. Now R and R have a litter box upstairs and downstairs incase they didn't feel like going upstairs to relieve themselves or vice-versa. We couldn't tolerate having a box in the kitchen so it was consolidated into one box in the bathroom. Maybe they didn't like having their second bathroom taken away from them. Imagine if you happen to have an upstairs and downstairs bathroom in your place of residence and someone comes and removes the toilet. That would suck and maybe they are trying to let us know about their feelings through relieving themselves. I thought about doing that to Kate but I didn't think that that was the most effective method of communication at this point in our relationship. Maybe someone closed the bathroom door and they couldn't get to the box so they selected the next best place.
I am going RIGHT NOW to check the inside of my bass drum as there is a microphone hole in the front that is large enough for a Ric or Roberto.